7 questions From SEO Clients We Are Tired of Answering

Since we started (back in 2016), Team Upreports has answered hundreds of questions related to SEO, paid campaigns, branding, and growth. Though we are always glad to engage with entrepreneurs and businesses with queries, there are some questions that show up in every other engagement. Since answering them again and again makes little sense, we thought ‘why not blog about it?’

This blog brings absurd questions that are thrown at us most frequently and quick informative answers to them. Without further ado, Upreports brings for you the 7 questions that we are tired of answering from potential SEO clients:

Can you rank me for 1-word keyword?

First thing first, there is a no such thing as 1-word keyword. A one-word keyword is just a word but relevant for your business. For instance, ‘Helmet’ is an alleged one-word keyword for a ‘helmet manufacturer’. Looks quite tempting to rank for if you deal in helmets, doesn’t it? However, it is easily said that done.

Websites that appear for one-word searches have God authority which can take years to accomplish. Does that mean it’s possible to rank for 1-word keyword? Yes. But that’s so big a challenge that clients neither have the patience nor funds for it.

Can you deliver SEO results in 2 months or less?

If it were possible, Team Upreports would deliver in 1 month but sadly it isn’t possible unless you are active in an industry with almost negligible competition on Google whatsoever. Your rival if sitting on first page of Google is there because a lot of smart people spent a really long time doing some really good work in terms of:

  • Planning
  • Optimization
  • Publishing
  • Sharing
  • Asset creation
  • Community engagement

And if you want to be even near those hardworking guys, be prepared to at least put the same amount of work. In short, results won’t come in 2 months.


Can Upreports get us on first page of Google ASAP?

We wish Google’s first page were a pin board in our conference room to which we can turn anytime to shuffle things around. Sadly, this is not the case. Google has so many ranking factors in place that they won’t fit in our fingers

(yes, we are counting the toes as well). Some are not even quantifiable in nature! Hence, ASAP is something that has little meaning in terms of first page ranking.

One month has passed and we still haven’t got any product sales from Upreports. When will sales come? 

As digital marketers and SEO experts, our job is to put your product in front of people that matter for you in the most impactful manner. SEO efforts usually lead to site traffic, business inquiries, and better visibility on search engines. Conversion however depends on your product, site experience, trust elements, special offers, industry cues, and tons of other things. Even if product sales were an agreed deliverable, one month is too short a time span.


Why are you not working on high volume keywords?

High volume keywords are usually the most competitive ones and hence consume a lot of time to rank. An experienced team of SEO professionals like Upreports would never take up high volume keywords in the very beginning of a new project. Even if he does, the timeline requested will be huge.

The focus at the beginning of most SEO projects is to capture low volume but relevant business keywords. Once they start ranking, they help in capturing the high volume keywords as well. And before everything else, you got to fix your website.

I have started ranking on first page of Google but business is still not coming?   

Most business owners think that appearing of first page of Google is the guaranteed way to sell. Sadly, this is not the case. Ranking on Google’s first page is a huuuge (read in Trump’s voice) advantage but it doesn’t necessarily mean growth. It may be true if your goal is traffic but not if you are selling product, service, subscription, or anything else. If business is what you want, hire a growth marketing agency rather than an old school SEO company.


Can you work on a list of 100 keywords? I want all of them in ranking in a couple of months.

 No, we can’t because no one can. While 100 keywords can be targeted in a SEO campaign spanning a year, doing that in the first couple of months will be plain silly. The reason hides in the idiom, ‘If you run after two hares, you will catch neither’. Working on such a large number of keywords in initial months itself would divide your efforts in so many areas that none of it will generate results. Hence, pro SEO tip from Team Upreports is to go for a smaller set of keywords and add more over the course of months.

While above are the most popular queries that keep showing up in initial client engagements, there are many more than we left out.

Do you know what this means?

Awareness about SEO has gone up over the years but a huge chunk of clients don’t really understand the dynamics of it.

Got questions about our questions or have some of your own about SEO, digital marketing, brand building, or anything else related to business growth? Share with Team Upreports through comments section or forward at hello@upreports.com for to-the-point answers and friendly advice.

We recently created a Testimonials page and it looks really great. Have a look! We also have some really cool ones on Facebook. So, don’t forget to check them out as well.

Learn about our most popular digital marketing services:

Social media marketing services in India

SEO services in India

Reputation management services in India

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